2019 Resolution: Married, Baby, and Investing

new year 2019
image source: Google

Hi Guys..

I just realise that 2018 will end soon. 2018 goes soo freaking fast, it’s like yesterday is new year 2018 and 1 blink and 2018 is over.

2018 is a pretty calm year in general. Well, there’s a surprise and bumps here and there but I learn a lot from things happened this year, and I think I became a chill person at last.

I can describe first semester of 2018 as me impatiently waiting for my boyfriend to come home after separated for 8 months.

Early second semester 2018 the lovey-dovey time, I spent time a lot with my boyfriend. We went to Bali for vacation, and then he ask me to marry him. July my boyfriend went again for work. We only had 2 months together. Does it hard having relationship like this? Yes it does, but it’s worth it.

Third semester of 2018 is quite hard. I have a mental breakdown on late July, I was very depressed that time, I can’t focus on my work, it last around 2 weeks. Late of August I start feeling better, I meditate almost every night to help me sleep. Then I learn about ‘Law of Attraction’ that make me learn to try be positive in any time. Then in October, I lost my job, the company I worked for need to let go some of their employees because 2018 is not a good year for Geothermal Industry, that’s what they said. I don’t feel sad or disappointed, I’m quite happy with the decision because now I can focus looking for a new opportunities. Yes, I get bored at home, but I really happy.

If you read my 2018 resolution here, I can tell you that I didn’t reach any of them this year. I feel embarrassed a bit, but things happened this year that really change my life direction. Like, I didn’t plan to get married when I create that post, but suddenly my boyfriend ask me to married him, so yeah I can’t really go traveling while preparing and saving money for wedding, which will cost a lot. I do still managed to have a trip to Bali this year.

2019 will be a new start for me. I will be married mid 2019. It will become the answer of the hope I said on my 2017 progress post, that I want to get married before I turn 30. So here is my 2019 resolution:

Get married with no drama

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I really pray that every preparation for my wedding day will be easy and no drama. You know how hard it is to combine everyone’s vision. When in western society, wedding is more the bride and groom (well, mostly the bride) vision is the most important, but in Indonesia, you have to compromise with parents from both side, and sometimes you have to set aside what you want and do what your parents want. Believe me, it’s stressing.

Have our own place

source: pinterest

I really want to have my own house, I mean me and husband. I lived with my mom my whole life. I want to be independent and have my own family.

Have a baby

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I’m getting old, I think I’m ready to have a baby. I pray so hard that I will get pregnant naturally right after the wedding. Since me and my soon-to-be-husband will keep long distance marriage for a few years, so I only have a few cycle every time we met. And it’s not easy to have a baby nowadays, infertility is become common issue. I always want to have a twins, me and soon-to-be-husband didn’t have the gene tho. But, nothing is impossible, right?



I’m finally debt free this year (2018). So my goals for 2019 is saving. I really want to have an emergency fund, and also retirement saving. I do start investing in mutual fund last couple months, not much, but I will doing it as a routine every month. It easier to invest nowadays with app like tanamduit, koinworks, Akseleran, investree, and many more, and you don’t need much to start.

I really want to try 12-month money saving challenge, of course outside my wedding spending.


So, that’s it for my 2019 resolutions. I hope you have a wonderful year a head. Keep positive, be happy, and I’ll see you on my next post.


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